PONI 2016 Capstone Conference

The final conference of the 2015-2016 PONI Conference Series will be held on April 12 at United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM), Offutt Air Force Base. The one-day conference will feature presentations from emerging nuclear experts covering topics such as modernization, unconventional threats, nonproliferation, and culture within the nuclear enterprise along with keynote addresses from senior...

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The final conference of the 2015-2016 PONI Conference Series will be held on April 12 at United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM), Offutt Air Force Base.

The one-day conference will feature presentations from emerging nuclear experts covering topics such as modernization, unconventional threats, nonproliferation, and culture within the nuclear enterprise along with keynote addresses from senior experts. Conference presentations and keynote speakers are off-the-record.

Agenda and Participants

Panel 1: NATO and Russian Posturing

The NATO-Russia Strategic Relationship
Thomas Frear, Research Fellow, European Leadership Network

Russian Perceptions of Non-Nuclear Deterrence
Harrison Menke, Wargaming Analyst, SAIC

NATO’s Quiet Nuclear Evolution
Jacek Durkalec, Analyst, Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)

Panel 2: Emerging Unconventional Threats: The Relationship Between Space, Cyber, and Nuclear

Norm Development in New Domains
Becca Arbacher, Undergraduate Student, Columbia University

Cyber Threat: Global Norms and the Modernization Paradox
Taylor Brooks, Herbert Scoville Jr. Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Hitting the ‘Snooze’ Button on Nuclear Security: Stuxnet and the Wake-Up Call it Should Have Been
Alexandra Van Dine, Program Associate, Scientific and Technical Affairs, Nuclear Threat Initiative

Panel 3: Future Capabilities

Hedge Math: Theoretical Limits on Minimum Stockpile Size Across Nuclear Hedging Strategies
Jarret Lafleur, Homeland Security and Defense Systems Center, Sandia National Laboratories

Dime Store Deterrence
Evan Thompson, Research Associate, Octant Associates, LLC

Red China’s “Capitalist Bomb:” Inside the Chinese Neutron Bomb Program
Jonathan Ray, Associate Deputy Director, Commercial Analysis, Defense Group Inc.

Panel 4: Enforcing Nonproliferation

A Nuclear Procurement Channel for Iran: Mission Impossible?
Michele Capeleto, Naval Analyst, IHS Jane’s

A Paper Tiger or a World Free of Nuclear Terrorism? Law, Politics and Institutional Design of the UN Security Council Resolution 1540
Sarah Shirazyan, JSD Candidate, Stanford Law School

Black Rain at Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Hidden Complexities of Nuclear-Weapons Effects
Joe Schofield, JD Candidate, Boston University

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