Topic Technology

Rad Science: Increasing knowledge without increasing fear

Having a better understanding of threats and knowing what to do in emergency situations allows people to make safer decisoins and makes them less likely to panic. Experts in the radiological emergency response field and agencies prepare to respond to radiological emergencies, but widespread and general knowledge on the topic could be improved.


NASA, the Navy and Nukes: Solid Rocket Fuel and the Future of the Trident Missile

Because both the space shuttles and the U.S. Trident D5 SLBMs rely on solid propellant fuels, NASA’s decisions about its space programs have repercussions in the defense industry. In 2017, NASA plans to launch the first mission of the new Space Launch System (SLS). In 2016, NASA will decide how exactly the SLS will be propelled.

Header Image: Erin Stringer from the Evening Standard via Getty Images