View the PONI Panel and Poster Presentation at STRATCOM Deterrence Symposium: Moderator: Rebecca Hersman, Director, Project on Nuclear Issues Presentations and presenters: Space Policy and Deterrence by Julia Ciocca, Research Fellow at Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania.Hypersonic Weapons: Tactical Uses and Strategic Goals by LCDR Alan Cummings, U.S. Navy Reserves.Techniques for Localizing Radioactive Sources in Urban Environments by Andrew Hollis, PhD Candidate, North Carolina State University.Under the Nuclear Shadow: Situational Awareness Technology and Crisis Decisionmaking by Reja Younis, Project Manager and Research Associate, Project on Nuclear Issues, CSIS.Rare Earth Elements: China’s Monopoly and the Supply Chain Threat to U.S. Strategic Systems by Rosemarie Frost, Policy Analyst Associate, SAIC You can view the full Deterrence Symposium here: