Analysis / Next Gen CommunityOn the Horizon Vol. 7ByDoreen HorschigPublished Jan 3, 2025The Nuclear Scholars Initiative is a signature program run by the Project on Nuclear Issues (PONI) to engage emerging nuclear experts in thoughtful and informed debate over how to best address the nuclear community’s most pressing problems. The papers included in this volume comprise research from participants in the 2024 Nuclear Scholars Initiative. These papers explore a range of crucial debates across deterrence, arms control, and non-proliferation communities. Series On The Horizon
Analysis / CommentaryReviving Chemical Weapons Accountability in a Multipolar WorldByDoreen Horschig and Natasha HallPublished Nov 25, 2024Next week’s 29th Session of the Conference of States Parties of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons is an opportunity to revitalize accountability and global cooperation in an age of impunity.
Analysis / CommentaryWhy Striking Iranian Nuclear Facilities Is a Bad IdeaByDoreen HorschigPublished Oct 31, 2024Israeli military strikes on Iran’s nuclear facilities could escalate tensions and push Tehran further towards nuclear weapons development. Diplomacy, although slow, remains the only viable way to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
Analysis / CommentaryHow Are Cyberattacks Fueling North Korea’s Nuclear Ambitions?ByDoreen HorschigPublished Aug 2, 2024After a two-year investigation, Google’s cybersecurity firm Mandiant accused North Korean hacker group Advanced Persistent Threat 45 (APT45, or Andariel) of engaging in a global cyber espionage campaign since 2009. The group attacked a variety of sectors (e.g., banks, defense firms, and hospitals) and targeted nation-states such as India, South Korea, and the United States on the…
Analysis / ReportHouse of Cards? Nuclear Norms in an Era of Strategic CompetitionByHeather Williams and Doreen HorschigPublished Jul 31, 2024While the norms against nuclear proliferation, use, and testing are widely supported and critical for stability, they are increasingly contested. The fragile interconnectedness of the norms urges global action to reinforce these pillars and prevent a destabilizing cascade.
Analysis / CommentaryAnticipating a Change in Public SentimentsByDoreen HorschigPublished Jul 31, 2024In the future, NATO should engage in a more structured public education campaign to counter Russian disinformation campaigns and maintain public support for its defense policies, strategy toward Ukraine, and nuclear mission.
Analysis / CommentaryEurope Needs More Conventional Forces, Not Its Own NukesByDoreen Horschig and Sean MonaghanPublished Jul 31, 2024The U.S. election has renewed debate about an independent European nuclear force. Yet this distracts from the real European defense issue: a lack of conventional combat power. Europe’s main task remains the same as during the Cold War: strengthen conventional deterrence.
Analysis / Next Gen Community, ReportOn the Horizon Vol. 6ByDoreen Horschig and Jess LinkPublished May 14, 2024The Nuclear Scholars Initiative is a signature program run by the Project on Nuclear Issues (PONI) to engage emerging nuclear experts in thoughtful and informed debate over how to best address the nuclear community’s most pressing problems. The papers included in this volume comprise research from participants in the 2023 Nuclear Scholars Initiative. These papers explore a range of crucial debates across deterrence, arms control, and non-proliferation communities.
Analysis / CommentaryThe Israel-Hamas Conflict: Implications for Nuclear Security in the RegionByDoreen HorschigPublished Jan 11, 2024The Israel-Hamas conflict strains Israel-Iran ties, impacting regional nuclear dynamics. It may strengthen Israel’s resolve to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, prompt Iran’s nuclear acceleration, and hinder U.S.-Iran diplomacy.
Analysis / CommentaryConventional-Nuclear Integration to Strengthen DeterrenceByDoreen Horschig and Nicholas AdamopoulosPublished Nov 17, 2023The United States and its allies should be prepared to fight a conventional war under the nuclear shadow.