Nuclear Policy News – May 6, 2020

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Top News

To break the deadlock with North Korea, the U.S. must engage Russia and China
NK News

ANALYSIS: Sil-li ballistic missile support facility

REPORT: Blundering towards nuclear chaos
Global Zero

United States

REPORT: Blundering towards nuclear chaos
Global Zero5/6/20
This publication is a product of the American Nuclear Policy Initiative (ANPI) – a unique collec-tion of experienced government practitioners and non-governmental policy analysts with deep and multifaceted expertise on nuclear issues.

Trump’s push to use global aid for nuclear projects alarms development groups
The Hill5/5/20
A new effort by the Trump administration to bolster the nuclear industry is eyeing a surprising source of financing — a fund designed to fight poverty in developing countries.

Raytheon to build new nuclear cruise missile
Arms Control Association5/5/20
The U.S. Air Force announced last month that it plans to continue development of a new fleet of nuclear air-launched cruise missiles (ALCMs) with Raytheon Co. as the sole contractor.

OPINION: Nuclear weapons, frontline communities, and the COVID stimulus
Bulletin of Atomic ScientistsLilly Adams
The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing us to confront the vast inequities in our society that have made this virus more deadly in some communities than others.

East Asia

To break the deadlock with North Korea, the U.S. must engage Russia and China
NK News5/5/20
While neither Beijing nor Moscow want a nuclear North Korea, they are wary of instability in the DPRK from U.S. pressure.

REPORT: Japans gradual shift towards space security
AerospaceRobert Wilson
Japan’s recent announcement that it is establishing its own military space unit has put its national security space efforts under the spotlight.

ANALYSIS: Sil-li ballistic missile support facility
CSISJoseph Bermudez
A new facility is nearing completion near Pyongyang International Airport that is almost certainly related to North Korea’s expanding ballistic missile program.

Middle East

Iran atomic inspections continued at a record pace last year
Iran’s nuclear program received record scrutiny last year from international monitors who triggered snap inspections in the Islamic Republic.

Multilateral Arms Control

OPINION: Learning from the 2015 NPT review conference
Arms Control AssociationThomas Countryman
As the 10th review conference for the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) approaches, the issue of establishing a zone free of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the Middle East continues to loom large, as it has for more than 25 years.

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