Nuclear Policy News – May 3, 2019

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What Putin Wants with North Korea
The National Interest

US Seeks Broader Nuclear Arms Pact
Arms Control Today

An Appeal for Nuclear Perspective in Army Education
War on the Rocks — Brad Hardy

East Asia

Pentagon warns on risk of Chinese submarines in Arctic
China is making significant advances toward achieving a more reliable second-strike nuclear capability, bolstering its deterrence against an attack on its land-based nuclear weapons, Reuters reveals today in a special report.

What Putin Wants with North Korea
The National Interest5/2/2019
Moscow has no core national interests at stake, but it does see a chance to throw a cog in Washington’s policy wheels.


Kazakhstan Calls for Rigorous Implementation of the NPT
Kazakhstan, an active supporter of nuclear disarmament and strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime, has reiterated its firm support for the strict and complete compliance by all parties of the provisions of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

US Nuclear News

US Seeks Broader Nuclear Arms Pact
Arms Control TodayMay 2019
President Donald Trump has ordered his staff to seek a new agreement on nuclear weapons that would encompass all Russian and Chinese nuclear arms, senior administration officials told reporters in April.

Air Force test-launches Minuteman missile from Vandenberg
Air Force Times5/2/2019
The U.S. Air Force has conducted a test launch of an unarmed Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.

U.S. Needs New Nukes Now, DOD Officials Say
The U.S. needs to upgrade its nuclear capability now, DOD officials told Congress recently. And while those efforts are already underway, it’ll take continued funding from lawmakers to ensure the U.S. can maintain its nuclear edge.


An Appeal for Nuclear Perspective in Army Education
War on the Rocks – Brad Hardy5/3/2019
Mid-grade Army officers — the ranks who fill planning assignments on joint and land component commands — must be armed with an understanding of nuclear weapons in deterrence and employment. A nuclear appreciation may be critical to integrate effects, provide options in planning, and offer perspective for senior leader decisions. Unfortunately, there is virtually no curriculum and a tragic lack of emphasis on nuclear matters within the current Army professional military education pipeline to gain these skills.

Special Interest

What is life like for crew on board Britain’s nuclear submarines?
BT Group5/3/2019
According to the Captain of the Faslane Flotilla, Neil Lamont, there is no other job on the planet which cuts people off from society, family and friends in the same way.

CND to stage die-in at Westminster nuclear weapons ‘thanksgiving’
The Guardian5/2/2019
Protesters are planning to stage a “die-in” outside Westminster Abbey on Friday during a service they say amounts to “a bizarre celebration” of the 50th anniversary of Britain’s continuous nuclear deterrent.

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