Nuclear Policy News – March 17, 2020

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U.S. Space Force declares ‘offensive’ communications jammer ready for deployment
Space News

Turkey risks sanctions if it activates S-400 missile system, experts warn
Arab Times

REPORT: CSIS European trilateral track 2 nuclear dialogues

Multilateral Arms Control

REPORT: CSIS European trilateral track 2 nuclear dialogues
The European Trilateral Track 2 Nuclear Dialogues, organized by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in partnership with the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) and the Fondation pourla Recherche Stratégique (FRS), have convened senior nuclear policy experts from the United Kingdom, France, and the United States (P3) for the past eleven years to discuss nuclear deterrence, arms control, and nonproliferation policy issues and to identify areas of consensus among the three countries.

United States

Laboratory researchers describe how antineutrino detectors could aid in nuclear nonproliferation efforts
For more than six decades, scientists have been developing instruments for fundamental physics that can detect antineutrinos, particles that have no electric charge, almost no mass and easily pass through matter.

U.S. Space Force declares ‘offensive’ communications jammer ready for deployment
Space News3/15/20
A new version of a ground-based communications jammer used to block adversaries’ satellite transmissions is ready to be used in combat operations, the U.S. Space Force announced March 13.

East Asia

North Korean nuclear negotiator appointed ambassador to Austria
Straits Times3/16/20
North Korean diplomat Choe Kang Il, an expert on U.S. affairs, has been appointed as the new ambassador to Austria, replacing a son-in-law of the country’s founder Kim Il Sung, said the North’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

ANALYSIS: IAEA Safeguards in North Korea: Possible Verification Roles and Mandates
38 NorthJohn Carlson
In current circumstances, the possibility of IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) engagement in verification in North Korea may seem remote.

Middle East

Iran has 2,500-3,000 ballistic missiles, says CENTCOM commander
Iran’s primary way of threatening the U.S. and its allies in the region is its inventory of about 2,500-3,000 ballistic missiles, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) commander General Kenneth McKenzie told the Senate Armed Services Committee on 10 March.

U.S. keeping two carriers in Mideast, moving Patriot missile batteries into Iraq as Iran tensions mount
Military Times3/13/20
The commander of U.S. Central Command told reporters at the Pentagon Friday that the U.S. would retain two aircraft carriers in the Middle East and is in the process of moving Patriot missile defense batteries into Iraq as Iran tensions mount.

Turkey risks sanctions if it activates S-400 missile system, experts warn
Arab Times3/17/20
Turkey has reportedly decided to activate its Russian-made S-400 surface-to-air missile system in April despite warnings from the U.S. that if it does so, it will be unable to acquire America’s Patriot missile-defense batteries.

Russia and Europe

Russian submarines getting countermeasures that jam sonobuoys dropped by enemy aircraft
The Drive3/13/20
Russia is reportedly working to equip certain classes of submarines, especially ballistic missile-armed types that form the core of its second-strike nuclear deterrent capabilities, with new expendable electronic warfare jammers.

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