Nuclear Policy News – January 9, 2020

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ANALYSIS: On the current confrontation with Iran
War on the Rocks

ANALYSIS: Kim Jong Un’s big bang theory: Weapons tests will get Trump talking
Wall Street Journal

ANALYSIS: The world’s nuclear guardrails are disappearing
The Atlantic


ANALYSIS: Is ‘escalate to deescalate’ part of Russia’s nuclear toolbox?
Russia MattersKevin Ryan
From the president to the official military doctrine, Moscow’s stated position has been that Russia might use a nuclear weapon first only if the survival of the Russian state were at risk.

Middle East

ANALYSIS: On the current confrontation with Iran
War on the RocksRobert Jervis
In making a bold move, as Trump did, he may think that he has taken the initiative and is in control. But this is not the case.

ANALYSIS: How quickly could Iran get a nuclear bomb?
Defense OneCorey Hinderstein
Iran’s breakout time is still longer today than it was before the Iran deal was signed.

REPORT: Containing Tehran: Understanding Iran’s power and exploiting its vulnerabilities
Center for Strategic and International StudiesSeth G. Jones
What is badly needed now is a coherent long-term U.S. strategy to deal with Iran in ways that protect U.S. national security and leverage U.S. partners.

East Asia

ANALYSIS: Kim Jong Un’s big bang theory: Weapons tests will get Trump talking
Wall Street JournalTimothy W. Martin and Dasl Yoon
After two years of unsuccessful diplomacy, Pyongyang is betting a more-provocative strategy can work

Nuclear Proliferation

ANALYSIS: The risk of nuclear proliferation (and war) is growing
BloombergAndreas Kluth
As a landmark anti-nuclear treaty turns 50 and Iran goes rogue, the world is in peril. Game theory shows just how great the danger is.

Nuclear Escalation

ANALYSIS: The world’s nuclear guardrails are disappearing
The AtlanticUri Friedman
We’ve gone from the first decade since the advent of the atomic age to not yield a new nuclear-weapons state to the brink of war between the U.S. and Iran.

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