Nuclear Policy News – August 26, 2021

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Top News:

Biden, Bennett to discuss Iran’s ‘out of the box’ nuclear program
Al Jazeera

DoE nuclear weapons authorized for full funding and then some under draft House NDAA
Defense Daily

N. Korean parliament to meet in Sept. over strained economy
Associated Press

United States

Biden to face pressure on Iran nuclear deal in meeting with Israel’s Bennett
Wall Street Journal8/26/21
New prime minister to present alternative approach to Iran as part of attempts to reset relations with Washington.

DoE nuclear weapons authorized for full funding and then some under draft House NDAA
Defense Daily8/26/21
The Democrat-led House Armed Services Committee has proposed authorizing a little more funding than requested for the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) portfolio of nuclear weapons programs in fiscal year 2022.

OPINION: To counter China, the U.S. must upgrade missile defense in Guam
The Hill – Matthew Kroenig
The nation’s attention has understandably been focused on the unfolding events in Afghanistan and the urgent efforts to evacuate Americans and Afghans who supported the war effort.

East Asia

Xiplomacy: Xi’s remarks on China-Russia partnership for new era
China and Russia, as comprehensive strategic partners of coordination for a new era, should deepen cooperation against interference and firmly hold their respective national future in their own hands, Chinese President Xi Jinping said Wednesday.

N. Korean parliament to meet in Sept. over strained economy
Associated Press8/26/21
North Korea will convene its rubber-stamp parliament next month to discuss efforts to salvage an economy strained by pandemic border closures after decades of mismanagement and U.S.-led sanctions.

ANALYSIS: How finding China’s nuclear sites upset pro-Beijing trolls
Foreign Policy – Jeffrey Lewis
Pretending China isn’t expanding its nuclear forces doesn’t get us closer to finding a way to work together to reduce nuclear dangers.

OPINION: Debating North Korea: U.S. and Chinese perspectives
38 North – Susan Thornton, Li Nan, Juliet Lee
The deteriorating U.S.-China relationship is hindering prospects for meaningful cooperation on persistent security challenges, including the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) nuclear issue.

OPINION: North Korea slams the door on dialogue – for now
Heritage – Bruce Klingner
Pyongyang has dashed the hopes of experts who had interpreted Kim Jong Un’s “dialogue or confrontation” statement as portending a return to negotiations.

Middle East

Biden, Bennett to discuss Iran’s ‘out of the box’ nuclear program
Al Jazeera8/25/21
U.S. official says Washington is committed to diplomacy but has ‘other avenues to pursue’ with Iran.

Russia and Europe

Russia-led bloc members reaffirm commitment to nuclear disarmament
Members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) are committed to nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the foreign ministers of CSTO member nations announced in a statement dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the shutdown of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site in Kazakhstan.

Semipalatinsk Closure at 30: The Importance of Cooperation for Managing Nuclear Security Challenges
August 29 is a special date for many of us who work on nuclear risk reduction. It serves as the anniversary of Kazakhstan’s closure of the Semipalatinsk Test Site, a remote territory the size of New Jersey which was used by the Soviet Union for hundreds of nuclear tests between 1949 and 1989.

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