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PONI 2016 Winter Conference

The third conference of the 2016-2017 Conference Series will be held on December 6-7, 2016 at CSIS. The two-day conference will feature presentations from emerging nuclear experts and keynote talks from senior experts in the nuclear field. Conference presentations and keynote speakers are off-the-record. Agenda and Participants Panel 1: Nuclear Challenges in South Asia Science…


PONI 2016 Fall Conference

The second conference of the 2016-2017 Conference Series will be held on October 18-19, 2016 at Sandia National Labs in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Agenda and Participants Panel 1: The Future of Deterrence Capability or Will? 21st Century Nuclear Deterrence for Global Strike Operators Captain Chris Conant, United States Air Force Missile Defense’s Role in 21st Century…


PONI 2016 Summer Conference

The first conference of the 2016-2017 Conference Series will be held on July 12-13, 2016 at the Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC) at Patrick Air Force Base. The two-day conference will feature presentations from emerging nuclear experts along with a technical talk from Dr. Wayne Brasure, acting director of the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office…


U.S. Nuclear Policy Post-2016 Conference

Critical questions regarding the future of the nuclear enterprise – fueled by rising global threats, questions about modernization, President Obama’s Prague legacy, and a looming nuclear posture review – will need to be addressed quickly by the next administration. 


PONI 2016 Capstone Conference

The final conference of the 2015-2016 PONI Conference Series will be held on April 12 at United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM), Offutt Air Force Base. The one-day conference will feature presentations from emerging nuclear experts covering topics such as modernization, unconventional threats, nonproliferation, and culture within the nuclear enterprise along with keynote addresses from senior…


PONI 2015 Winter Conference

The third event in the 2015-2016 PONI Conference Series will be held December 9-10 at CSIS in Washington, DC. The two-day conference will feature presentations from emerging nuclear experts covering topics including U.S. nuclear policy and posture in the face of modernization and sequestration, non-state actors, nuclear security, escalation dyanmics, and perspectives on Russia and Europe….


PONI 2015 Fall Conference

The second event in the 2015-2016 PONI Conference Series will be held September 22-23 at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington. The two-day conference will feature panels of presentations from young nuclear experts covering topics including tracking nuclear material, nuclear security and insider threats, regional nuclear flashpoints, and new thinking on proliferation. The conference will also…