PONI 2015 Fall Conference

The second event in the 2015-2016 PONI Conference Series will be held September 22-23 at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington. The two-day conference will feature panels of presentations from young nuclear experts covering topics including tracking nuclear material, nuclear security and insider threats, regional nuclear flashpoints, and new thinking on proliferation. The conference will also...

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The second event in the 2015-2016 PONI Conference Series will be held September 22-23 at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington.

The two-day conference will feature panels of presentations from young nuclear experts covering topics including tracking nuclear material, nuclear security and insider threats, regional nuclear flashpoints, and new thinking on proliferation. The conference will also include keynote addresses by Frank Klotz, Under Secretary for Nuclear Security and NNSA Administrator; a break-out small group discussion; and an optional lab tour.

Agenda and Participants

Panel 1: Tracking Nuclear Materials

Active Seals for Warhead Monitoring
Eric Gonzalez, Electronics Technology Developer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

What Was Missed? Opportunities in Mapping Illicit Nuclear Trafficking
Sara Niehus, Nonproliferation Analyst, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
George Muller, Operations Research Specialist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

The Power of Financiers and Insurers to Reduce Proliferation Risks: Nuclear Dual-Use Goods
Rachel Weise, Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Analyst, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Panel 2: Nuclear Security and Insider Threats

International Policies and Tools for Protecting Against Radiological Sabotage
Rosalyn Leitch, Security Specialist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Nuclear Security Requires Cyber Security
David McKinnon, Senior Cyber Security Researcher, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Panel 3: Regional Nuclear Flashpoints

Revisiting History: Is Islamabad’s Bomb a Gambit for Power?
Ahsan Yousaf Chaudhary, Commonwealth Scholar and MSc. Candidate in International Relations, University of Bristol

Limited Nuclear Options for the Entente Cordial: Pakistan’s Flexible Nuclear Strategy & Strategic Implications of Technology Transfer
Robert Ryan, Master’s Candidate, Columbia University

U.S. Involvement in an Escalating Conflict with a Nuclear Adversary
Sam Wilson, Senior Analyst, Government Accountability Office

Culture of the Nuclear Enterprise and its Effects in the Middle East
Kaitlyn Riffenburg, Student Scholar, National Security Studies Program, and Political Affairs Intern, The Borgen Project

Nuclear In-Security: Defining the Insider Threat Using a Multidisciplinary Approach
Christine Noonan, National Nuclear Security Specialist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Panel 4: Rethinking Proliferation

New Concepts on Proliferation
Anthony Eames, PhD Candidate, Georgetown University

Correlates of Proliferation: Introducing a New Data Tool
Tom Hickey, Master’s in Public Policy Candidate, and Fellow, Nuclear Science and Security Consortium, University of California at Berkeley

Parallels Between Norm Development in the Nuclear and Space Domains
Becca Arbacher, Undergraduate Student, Columbia University

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