The Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board presents the Board’s report of US DOE underground research laboratory (URL)-related research and development activities, and their relationship to a spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste disposal program. The report describes the critical role of URLs in technology development and demonstration, training, and public confidence building. April 24, 2020 11:30am-1:00pm Online Seminar RSVP Featuring speakers: Dr. Bret Leslie, Senior Professional Staff, NWTRB Dr. Leslie’s doctoral research focused on natural analogs of nuclear waste repositories. He has conducted field and laboratory studies with radioactive materials, probabilistic risk assessments, and public outreach on the US spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste disposal program for a national laboratory, a non-profit, and several federal agencies. Dr. Cindy Vestergaard, Director, Nuclear Safeguards Program and Blockchain in Practice Program, Stimson Dr. Vestergaard’s current research focuses on the impact of evolving international safeguards obligations on states and facility operators. Projects include looking ahead to nuclear facilities of the future, such as deep geological repositories and multinational fuel cycle facilities and how these emerging facilities, coupled with emerging technologies, challenge and/or enhance the management of safeguards.