The Indo-Pacific Nuclear Age: Let the Region Speak

The Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) cordially invites you to attend a seminar by John Tilemann, former Australian diplomat, and now a researcher and advocate on nuclear policy issues, entitled “The Indo-Pacific Nuclear Age: Let the Region Speak”. The seminar will be held on Thursday, August 8, 2019, from 12:30 to 14:00 in the VCDNP Conference Room. Light...

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The Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) cordially invites you to attend a seminar by John Tilemann, former Australian diplomat, and now a researcher and advocate on nuclear policy issues, entitled “The Indo-Pacific Nuclear Age: Let the Region Speak”. The seminar will be held on Thursday, August 8, 2019, from 12:30 to 14:00 in the VCDNP Conference Room. Light refreshments will be served at 12:15.

While the great preponderance of nuclear weapons remains in the hands of the US and Russia, the growing focus on the Atlantic theater has shifted the epicenter of global nuclear threats to the Indo-Pacific. The region is host to the strategic interplay of seven nuclear-armed States and several nuclear umbrella States; it includes several nuclear tinged regional flash points and experiences almost daily incidents with the potential to have a nuclear dimension. It is also the one region of major expansion of nuclear power generation reactors with varying levels of nuclear latency. During the seminar, Mr. Tilemann will assess the nuclear dynamics in the Indo-Pacific region and offer recommendations for how to decrease the risk of a nuclear incident occurring in the region. In particular Mr. Tilemann will focus on institutional frameworks, confidence-building measures and track 2 arrangements as vehicles to minimize proliferation risk. Key though, as Mr. Tilemann will emphasize, is that the impetus for such action comes from within the region itself.

The VCDNP extends its gratitude to the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs of Austria for its support of the VCDNP Seminar Series.

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