PONI Live Debate: U.S. Nuclear Targeting

The PONI Live Debate is back! Join us for a debate on U.S. Nuclear Targeting between Mr. Franklin Miller and Dr. James Acton on January 25th, 10am-11am ET.

This event has already occurred.
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The Project on Nuclear Issues (PONI) Live Debate Series is back! The PONI Debate Series was started in 2009 to have a more dynamic and free flowing exchange of ideas, resulting in an enriched and focused examination of critical issues.  

For Q&A Please Visit: https://forms.gle/3p1Rgi3zCBMj4yqDA

We are pleased to invite you to a live debate on U.S. Nuclear Targeting. The Strategic Posture Commission Report called for modifying the U.S. nuclear forces to address the possibility that China will field counterforce-capable missiles, a threat that U.S. strategic forces face on par with Russia. There is an ongoing fundamental debate on the U.S. nuclear targeting policy of counterforce and whether it is sufficient for maintaining deterrence.  

Join Mr. Franklin Miller, Principal at the Scowcroft Group, and Dr. James Acton, Jessica T. Mathews Chair and co-director of the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in a live debate moderated by Dr. Heather W. Williams, Director, Project on Nuclear Issues. PONI Mid-Career Stephanie Stapleton, Research Analyst at the Center for Naval Analyses will be the discussant. The debate will take place on January 25th, 10:00am-11:00am ET at CSIS and will be livestreamed. 

This event is made possible through general support to the Project on Nuclear Issues.

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