PONI 2018 Winter Conference

This event is the third conference in the 2018-2019 PONI Conference Series. The conference will feature presentations from emerging nuclear experts covering topics such as nuclear policy and strategies, arms control and proliferation challenges, and deterrence. The PONI Conference Series, now in its fifteenth year, is unique in its emphasis on featuring rising experts and young professionals in...

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Photo: Department of Defense/Public Domain

This event is the third conference in the 2018-2019 PONI Conference Series. The conference will feature presentations from emerging nuclear experts covering topics such as nuclear policy and strategies, arms control and proliferation challenges, and deterrence.

The PONI Conference Series, now in its fifteenth year, is unique in its emphasis on featuring rising experts and young professionals in the nuclear field. The Conference Series draws emerging thought leaders from across the nuclear enterprise and policy community and provides them with a visible platform for sharing their new thinking on a range of nuclear issues.

Full Agenda*

*Please note this is not a final and some items are subject to change

8:45     Conference Check-in

9:15     Conference Welcome

Rebecca Hersman, Director, Project on Nuclear Issues and Senior Adviser, International Security Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies

9:30     Panel 1: The Future of Arms Control

Panel Moderator: Alexandra Bell, Senior Policy Director, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation

Governing Insecurity: The Institutional Design and Verification of Arms Control Agreements

Andrew Reddie, University of California, Berkeley

Preparing for the Unthinkable in East Asia: Evaluating Cross-National Public Opinion on the U.S. Nuclear Umbrella

David M. Allison, PhD candidate, Yale University and Stephen Herzog, PhD candidate, Yale University; Non-Presenting Contributor: Jiyoung Ko, Assistant Professor, Bates College

Civil Society and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Kayla Matteucci, Junior Fellow in Nuclear Policy, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Europe and the INF Treaty: Between a Hard Place and a Rock

Maxwell Downman, Nuclear Policy Analyst, British American Security Information Council

11:30   Lunch 

12:30   Undeclared North Korea: The Role of Open Source Analysis in Identifying and Verifying North Korean Missile and Nuclear Facilities

Panel Moderator: Rebecca Hersman, Director, Project on Nuclear Issues and Senior Adviser, International Security Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies

Panelists: Dr. Sue Mi Terry, Senior Fellow, Korea Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies and Michael Elleman, Senior Fellow for Missile Defense, International Institute for Strategic Studies

 1:45     Panel 2: Tête-À-Tête, Russia and the U.S.

Panel Moderator: Olga Oliker, Senior Adviser and Director, Russia and Eurasia Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies

Understanding Russia’s Perception of (Weak) US Resolve in Nuclear Crises: The role of conventional standoffs and cross-domain deterrence 

Dumitru Minzarari, PhD candidate, University of Michigan

Potential Areas for Renewed U.S.-Russian Collaboration to Advance Technical Nuclear Forensics

Marie Kirkegaard, PhD candidate, University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Russian Perspectives on the U.S. Withdrawal from the ABM Treaty and their Implications for Future Arms Control Agreements

Jacob Stebbing, David M. Kennedy Scholar, Brigham Young University

Impact of the Russian-Chinese Nuclear Deterrence Relations on the United States

Nikita Perfilyev, PhD candidate, University of Vienna

3:30     Break

3:45     Panel 3: Nuclear Issues and other Challenges

Panel Moderator: Amy Woolf, Specialist in Nuclear Weapons Policy, Congressional Research Service

Strengthening Nonproliferation through Combatting Proliferation Finance: Challenges and Policy Recommendations

Andrea Viski, Director, Strategic Trade Research Institute

NATO and NSNWs Strategic Reappraisal, Operational Reassessment

Elmar Hellendoorn, Harvard University

Nuclear Superiority in the Cuban Missile Crisis

Yashar Parsie, Intern, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation

5:15     End of Presentations/ Reception


Please contact Simone Williams at swilliams@csis.org with any questions.

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