Registration for this event is now closed. Hosted at STRATCOM in Omaha, NE, this event is the final conference in the 2021 PONI Conference Series. The conference will feature a keynote address from Adm. Charles Richard, Commander of STRATCOM and presentations from emerging nuclear experts covering topics such as nuclear policy and strategies, arms control and proliferation challenges, technology and capabilities, and deterrence. The PONI Conference Series, is unique in its emphasis on featuring rising experts and young professionals in the nuclear field. The Conference Series draws emerging thought leaders from across the nuclear enterprise and policy community and provides them with a visible platform for sharing their new thinking on a range of nuclear issues. Due to base access, all attendees must pre-register to attend and are subject to base approval. Registering for the conference does not imply approval. PONI Capstone Conference Agenda Dougherty Conference Center at Offutt Airforce Base U.S. Strategic Command May 3, 2022 9:00 Conference Check-in and Breakfast 9:30 Conference Welcome 9:45 Panel 1: Arms Control and Strategic Stability Issues Lessons from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty negotiations: An East Asian Perspective Sayaka Shingu Cryptographic Data Exchange Methodology to Support Warhead Verification for a U.S.-Russian Arms Control Treaty Dan Zhukov Autonomous Nuclear Weapons Systems: Ethics, International Law and Future Stability Joshua West China’s Expanding Nuclear Enterprise in the Context of Strategic Competition MAJ Lorin Veigas 11:15 BREAK 11:30 Panel 2: Nuclear Materials And Technology Future Tritium Production: Does the U.S. Need to Reestablish Domestic Uranium Enrichment? Dr. Courtney Ford Ryan Thermal Hydraulics capability: Using validation studies to collaboratively increase understanding and reduce the cost of entry into nuclear design Katherine Jarman A Quiet Place: Assessing SSBN Vulnerability in the Arctic Ocean Nicholas Blanchette Nuclear Cyberdefense in Practice: Creating Deterrence as far as Deterrence Can be Created Gabriel Kelvin and Jacob Sebastian 1:00 Lunch & Keynote Discussion Dr. Mara Karlin, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans, and Capabilities 2:30 Panel 3: Nuclear Issues and Opinions in Europe Trident Demonstration and Shakedown Operation – A UK SSBN Crew Perspective Christopher Stafford Safeguarding Ukraine’s Disputed Territories: IAEA Safeguards and the Broader Conclusion in Ukraine Kiley McCormick Public Opinion on Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control in Russia Anna Wagner Millennials and Nuclear Weapons: Concerned or Complacent Amelia Morgan 4:00 End of Presentation Panels 4:15 Reception 5:30 Dinner & Keynote Admiral Charles Richard, Commander, U.S. Strategic Command 7:15 End of Conference Hotel Information: Courtyard Marriott Omaha Bellevue At Beardmore Event Center 3730 Raynor Pkwy Bellevue, NE 68123