Analysis / Next Gen CommunityPart 2: Challenges and Solutions for Combating Nuclear Mis- and Disinformation ByBrian CookPublished Sep 6, 2024There is no catchall solution for completely stopping mis- and disinformation. It might be impossible to untangle the technology, psychology, and politics and social issues that all contribute to the spread and believability of false information. This is true for nuclear mis- and disinformation as well. But recognizing the challenges and thinking about possible solutions is an important start, especially for such an impactful and increasingly salient topic like nuclear weapons.
Analysis Part 1: Nuclear Mis- and Disinformation and Impacts to the American PublicByBrian CookPublished Apr 24, 2024Russia’s nuclear saber rattling throughout the war in Ukraine, reports of China’s increasing nuclear modernization, and the 2023 release of Oppenheimer has reignited in the public talk of nuclear weapons. With the increasing prevalence of conversation around nuclear weapons comes increasing opportunity for mis- or disinformation to spread about them and the nuclear enterprise (NE)….