Analysis / Commentary2020 Consensus Statement: European Trilateral Track 2 Nuclear DialoguesByRebecca HersmanPublished Jan 22, 2021In 2020, the European Trilateral Track 2 Nuclear Dialogues convened senior nuclear policy experts from the United Kingdom, France, and the United States to discuss nuclear deterrence, arms control, and nonproliferation issues and identify areas of consensus among the P3.
Analysis / CommentarySurveillance, Situational Awareness, and Warning at the Conventional-Strategic InterfaceByRebecca Hersman and Reja YounisPublished Jan 15, 2021The expansion of dual-capable delivery systems and the diversification of strategic forms of warfare to include cyber, space, and advanced high precision conventional strike capabilities have sharply eroded structural conventional-nuclear firebreaks firebreaks. Series Nuclear Nexus
Analysis / CommentaryA clean return to the Iran nuclear deal should be Biden’s first optionByEric BrewerPublished Jan 11, 2021Returning to the deal is not only viable but also presents the best chance of preventing an Iranian bomb.
Analysis / ReportDeep Dive Debrief: Strategic Stability and Competition in the ArcticByRebecca Hersman, Eric Brewer and Maxwell SimonPublished Jan 6, 2021This brief reflects discussions and insights from a deep dive workshop convened by PONI at Kings Bay Submarine Base on strategic stability and great power competition in the Arctic. This brief focuses on how climate, economic, and political trends in the Arctic region impact U.S. strategic interests, and the implications of these trends for nuclear stability, policy, and posture. Series Deep Dive Debrief