Nuclear Policy News – April 28, 2021

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Iran deal parties seek nuclear talks momentum, U.S. briefs Gulf states

REPORT: Report to Congress on implementation of the New START treaty
U.S. Department of State

U.S. missile defense warhead program to cost almost $18 billion

United States

U.S. missile defense warhead program to cost almost $18 billion
The Pentagon plans to spend almost $18 billion to develop, produce and support its new interceptor to stop incoming nuclear missiles from North Korea or Iran, the first major defense procurement award of the Biden administration, according to newly released figures.

REPORT: Report to Congress on implementation of the New START treaty
U.S. Department of State4/27/21
The New START Treaty was signed in Prague on April 8, 2010, and entered into force on February 5, 2011, upon exchange of the instruments of ratification.

INTERVIEW: Major General Michael J. Lutton, Commander, Air Force Global Strike Command
National Institute for Public Policy4/27/21
Minuteman III nuclear forces have been a bedrock of U.S. national security for more than five decades.

OPINION: Deep thoughts: How moving ICBMs far underground would make the whole world safer
Bulletin of Atomic ScientistsIvan Oelrich
The long-range, or strategic, nuclear weapons that make up the core of America’s nuclear arsenal are all inherited from the Cold War.

East Asia

S. Korea to push forward U.S.-N. Korea talks, unveils midterm plan
Yonhap News4/28/21
South Korea will try to help move nuclear talks between the United States and North Korea forward and restore its own dialogue with Pyongyang, the government said Wednesday in a policy report on inter-Korean relations for this year.

ANALYSIS: UN Panel of Experts report on North Korea: More advanced weaponry, better sanctions evasion
RUSIJoe Byrne
The North Korean regime is evading sanctions at a faster rate than the international community is able to tighten the sanctions regime.

OPINION: Is there a war coming between China and the U.S.?
New York TimesThomas Friedman
Iran and China just signed a 25-year cooperation agreement. Vladimir Putin just massed troops on the border of Ukraine while warning the U.S. that anyone who threatens Russia “will regret their deeds more than they have regretted anything in a long time.”

Middle East

Iran deal parties seek nuclear talks momentum, U.S. briefs Gulf states
World powers and Iran sought on Tuesday to speed up efforts to bring Washington and Tehran back into compliance with the 2015 nuclear accord, as the United States reassured its Gulf Arab allies on the status of the talks.

Iran nuclear talks resume after Zarif says Russia tried to wreck deal
Times of Israel4/27/21
Moscow refuses to comment on the leaked remarks from Iran’s top diplomat, as world powers try to salvage 2015 deal.

Iran nuclear talks resume in Vienna, but does Russia want a deal?
The Russian Foreign Ministry has thus far refused to comment on the remarks from Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, made in a seven-hour interview with a think tank associated with the Iranian presidency that leaked over the weekend.

Iran nuclear pact talks resume
Voice of America4/27/21
World powers resumed talks Tuesday in Vienna about revitalizing the 2015 international pact to restrain Iran’s nuclear development program and bring the United States back into the accord that former U.S. President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew from in 2018.

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