PONI is proud to host the 2019 PASCC Research Results Workshop, presented by Department of the Air Force USAF Institute for National Security Studies USAF Academy, Colorado and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency Project on Advanced Systems and Concepts for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (PASCC). Agenda 0900-0915 PASCC Welcome Rebecca Hersman, Center for Strategic and International Studies Robin Champ, Defense Threat Reduction Agency Jim Smith, Project on Advanced Systems and Concepts for Countering WMD 0915-1045 Panel 1: Middle East, South Asia Chair: Shane Smith, NDU Center for the Study of WMD “Wither JCPOA? Iranian Strategic Decision Making Under Pressure,” Afshon Ostovar, Naval Postgraduate School “Assessing Prospects for Iranian Compliance with JCPOA,” Jeannie Johnson, Utah State University “US-Israel Nonproliferation Dialogue,” Chen Kane, Middlebury Institute for International Studies “Continuity and Change in Pakistan’s Strategic Thinking,” Sameer Lalwani, Stimson Center 1115-1245 Panel 2: Proliferation and Dangerous Weapons Chair: Margaret Sloane, NDU Center for the Study of WMD “Restoring Restraint: Enforcing Accountability for Users of Chemical Weapons,” Rebecca Hersman, Center for Strategic and International Studies “US-Australia-Japan Dialogue on Security, Deterrence, and Proliferation,” Tom Mahnken, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies “Illicit Networks and the Nuclear Fuel Cycle in Southeast Asia,” Justin Hastings, University of Sydney “Addressing the Threat of State-Level Radiological Weapons Programs,” Jeffrey Lewis, Middlebury Institute for International Studies 1245-1300 Closing Remarks CSIS/DTRA/PASCC