Analysis / Commentary, Next Gen CommunityPreventing Nuclear Risks in Outer SpaceByYukari SekiguchiPublished Jul 28, 2020Space is becoming an increasingly competitive domain and nuclear technologies, including both nuclear propulsion and energy production, could play a key role in advancing a variety of these missions.
Analysis / CommentaryWormhole Escalation in the New Nuclear AgeByRebecca HersmanPublished Jul 10, 2020Increasingly capable and intrusive digital information technologies, advanced dual-use military capabilities, and diffused global power structures will reshape future crises and conflicts between nuclear-armed adversaries and challenge traditional ways of thinking about escalation and stability. This emerging security environment will require new concepts and tools to manage the risk of unintended escalation and reduce nuclear dangers.
Analysis / ReportDeep Dive Debrief: NC3: Challenges Facing the Future SystemByRebecca Hersman, Eric Brewer and Suzanne ClaeysPublished Jul 9, 2020This brief focuses on the emerging political, informational, and fiscal risks to the U.S. nuclear command, control, and communications (NC3) architecture. Series Deep Dive Debrief
Analysis / Commentary, Next Gen Community‘Directing Doomsday’: Lessons Learned from Nuclear Weapons in FilmBySylvia MishraPublished Jul 8, 2020This quarantine is an opportune time to watch and re-watch movies such as Dr. Strangelove, Failsafe, Command and Control, By Dawn’s Early Light, and China Syndrome, which underscore the threats from nuclear accidents.